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Creating a discord webhook

Webhooks N' Discord

What is even a Discord Webhook? How do I use it? Why should I use this? Do you have the same questions? Then fear not, You have come to the right place.

Webhooks can be a bit tough concept for beginners, at least for me it was. After tinkering with them for a while, I found that it was super easy to make. And would love to make the same for anyone reading this as well. 😃

So in this guide, we will go over the basics of 'How to implement a webhook?' and also some uses for them.

Table of Contents

What is a Discord Webhook?

Webhooks are a utility used to send messages to text channels without needing a Discord application. By using webhooks you can directly send, edit or even delete messages. There are two ways of implementing them. They are Webhook and WebhookClient.

In layman's terms, Assuming that you have had experience with some sort of coding language. Webhooks in discord functions like, If some condition becomes true, then execute the following command. The main advantage of implementing webhooks are they do not require a bot user or authentication to use.

How do I use it?

Lucky for us, Creating a webhook in discord is simple.

You just need two things:

  • Must have a Discord account.
  • Must be a member of a server with administrator or higher permissions.

So to get started, Go to Server settings and you will see an Integration tab. From there you can create a webhook.

If you already created a webhook, it will look something like this. Click View Webhooks.

Now click on Create Webhook / New Webhookbutton; This will create a webhook. From this tab, you can change the name, avatar and the channel to which the webhook should be sent messages.

Why should I use it?

So to sum up what we did now, Webhooks can be used to automate a certain task and execute something when certain conditions are satisfied. So that said here are some bonus content.

Using IFTTT bot as webhook

Personally, I use this to sent messages automatically to my announcement channel in my discord server whenever I upload a new video or a new post on Instagram/Twitter. So to implement that I use IFTTT.

IFTTT is short for If This Then That, and is the best way to integrate apps, devices and services. For this guide, I will be using twitter-discord integration. When you visit the link you will land on a homepage like this.

Login to get started. And select Explore from the navigation bar and search for Twitter.

As you can see, you can use webhooks with multiple services. Select discord from there. I am gonna use this one for the time being.

Click on connect, Now you will be redirected to the discord login screen. Log in and invite the bot to your server. Now after that fill in the username to watch section and the channel to which the webhook should be sent the message appropriately. Click save and that's it. You are all done.
